Common Vacation Rental Questions

How do I book a property?  
If you have found a property on that is your first choice, please select your available dates and select the Book It Now button or contact manager button.  Book It now allows you to register on the website, submit payment information and secure the rental. We will have to communicate directly with you before any booking can be confirmed.  

When is my payment due?  
Payment is typically due in full upon booking. Inquire with us directly to find out if your property allows any variation from this policy.

When do I get my security deposit back?
Your security deposit, minus any deductions, will be refunded within 30 days after your departure from your vacation rental. Typically security deposits are processed for return the week following your departure.

What is your cancellation policy?
All cancellation policies are dictated by the terms of lease you will sign with the owner of the property. With any vacation rental it can be difficult to rebook the weeks if a family changes their mind or things arise that prevent from coming to Maine.

Is it important for me to research the house I rent carefully?
Please do ask questions, we encourage any and all questions.  Our approach to assisting you with your vacation is to educate you on the property, town, region you’re considering staying in.  Only you know what is most important to your family in their vacation home. We try to as accurate as possible with our marketing, but please ask questions for amenities or items that are important for your enjoyment.  Examples: How is the WiFi connection? Does this home have air conditioning? To name a couple.

What happens if my number of guests changes?
Let us know - if you aren’t already at the max occupancy, it should not be an issue, but we are not able to accommodate any requests to exceed max occupancy posted for properties.  

How do I gain access to the property?
Approximately one day prior to your occupancy date you will receive access instructions.  

How is the cell phone service?
Cell Phone service in our properties varies.  With the advent of smart phones and the booster technologies within them, it’s our recommendation that you leverage the WiFi at the homes with your cell phones to use WiFi assisted calling.  
Android Phone -
Apple iPhone  -

Internet Connections and WiFi?  
Most of our properties do have WiFi connections - but their speeds do vary.  A lot depends on the location, the provider access and weather. Some properties have cable broadband, some properties have phone line internet service and some properties have satellite WiFi.  The speeds do vary and they may be slower than what you’re accustomed to. This is an important question to ask prior to booking any property if it’s important to you.

Should I print out driving directions in case my cell service isn’t good on route to the house?
There is a chance your cell phone wont work as you’re approaching your rental property.  Whether it’s on the ocean, in the woods or elsewhere, cell service can vary in Maine. We would recommend downloading offline maps on your smart phones -
And you can use your google maps without cell service, or print out instructions or take screenshots of the maps ahead of your arrival.  

Can I bring a pet along?
Most of our properties are not pet friendly. Bringing any pets must be discussed and approved directly for the property and will be confirmed the contract with the owner.

Are linens and towels provided?
Yes, linens and towels are provided at all our rental properties.  

Are basic home supplies provided?
Yes, basic home supplies are provided at all properties, including hand soaps, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, sponges, dish detergent and basic cleaning supplies.  

Do you know any chefs we can book at the property?
If you go to our concierge services, the Private Chef is one of our featured vendors.  Amy Kayne and her team of chefs from 2gether Private Chefs has been an incredible resource for our guests.  With our beautiful properties, Amy and her team enables them to spend more time in the homes, use the beautiful kitchens and enjoy the views just a little bit more.  Instructions to connect with 2gether Private Chefs is here.

How do I book a daily cleaner?
Daily cleaning may be available at your property.  Please contact us directly at [email protected] to confirm.  Last minute inquiries may not be able to be accommodated during the busy scheduling season of the Summer.

Can I reschedule the cleaner at the last minute?
It may be possible, but with tight scheduling windows for our cleaners over the Summer it may not be possible to get a new time.

What will the weather be like?
Summer’s in Maine are generally very comfortable with average temperatures running in the low 70’s during July and August and Summer evenings regarded as comfortably cool.  Having a second layer for when the sun goes down and the temperature drops, especially being on the water is an important item to bring along this Summer!

Should I keep track of the tides for beach visits?
Yes!  Some areas of Maine are more tidal than others.  It’s a great idea if your trip will depend on the tide changes to confirm whether it’s high tide or low tide.  Please take a look at to reference the area you’re staying in while you’re visiting Maine.